Pet Pamperers NFTs

The NFT Genesis Collection of Pets and their Pamperers.

Pampered Pets is a journey into the generative art of pictorial composition within the square frame, using the theme of pet and pampered, which is part of the larger artistic theme of “man and beast.” 

Pets and pamperers are placed within a square frame with a horizon, placed either centrally or high within the frame.  Composition results from these figures’ placement, size, orientation and other pictorial components within the frame.  These components are generated and recorded as NFT traits.  

Generative art, always a balance between automation and curation, incorporates curating the designs, components, drawings and progressive construction.   Can these compositions be satisfying images?  How far can we take generation when creating pictorial art?

Click on the image below to start a slideshow of some of our images.